File "really-simple-ssl-es_AR-20df4fb678e90d1c45457193eeb1e740.json"

Full Path: /home/arielcor/public_html/wp-content/languages/plugins/really-simple-ssl-es_AR-20df4fb678e90d1c45457193eeb1e740.json
File size: 11.81 KB
MIME-type: application/json
Charset: utf-8

{"translation-revision-date":"2023-02-07 13:16:08+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/4.0.0-alpha.3","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"es_AR"},"Exit":["Salir"],"Enable Learning Mode to configure automatically":["Activar el modo de aprendizaje para que se configure autom\u00e1ticamente"]," The %s is now in report-only mode and will collect directives. This might take a while. Afterwards you can Exit, Edit and Enforce these Directives.":[" %s est\u00e1 ahora en modo de s\u00f3lo informar, recogiendo directivas. Esto llevar\u00e1 un tiempo. Despu\u00e9s podr\u00e1s salir, editar y hacer efectivas esas directivas."],"The Permissions Policy has been disabled.":["La pol\u00edtica de permisos se ha desactivado."],"Permissions Policy is set outside Really Simple SSL.":["La pol\u00edtica de permisos est\u00e1 configurada fuera de Really Simple SSL."],"%s is already set outside Really Simple SSL.":["%s ya est\u00e1 configurada fuera de Really Simple SSL."],"Re-started test":["Volver a empezar la prueba"],"Disabled ":["Deshabilitado "],"By placing it outside the root folder, it is not publicly accessible.":["Al colocarlo fuera de la carpeta ra\u00edz, no es accesible a trav\u00e9s de Internet."],"Send":["Enviar"],"Type your question here":["Escribe tu pregunta aqu\u00ed"],"Settings Saved":["Ajustes guardados"],"Network feature":["Caracter\u00edstica de red"],"Check license":["Comprobar licencia"],"Learn more about %sPremium%s":["M\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n sobre %sPremium%s"],"Collapse all":["Cerrar todo"],"Expand all":["Expandir todo"],"Permissions Policy is enforced.":["La pol\u00edtica de permisos se ha forzado."],"Stop":["Stop"],"Start scan":["Iniciar exploraci\u00f3n"],"Everything is now served over SSL":["Ahora todo se sirve a trav\u00e9s de SSL"],"No results. Start your first scan":["Sin resultados. Empez\u00e1 tu primer escaneo"],"Show ignored URLs":["Mostrar URLs ignoradas"],"View":["Ver"],"Deactivate":["Desactivar"],"Review the settings and enforce the policy":["Revisar la configuraci\u00f3n y forzar la aplicaci\u00f3n de la pol\u00edtica"],"We finished the configuration.":["Hemos terminado la configuraci\u00f3n."],"Learning Mode":["Modo de Aprendizaje"],"Disable to configure":["Deshabilitar para configurar"],"Enforced":["Aplicado"],"Enforce":["Forzar"],"No results":["No hay resultados"],"failed":["fall\u00f3"],"success":["\u00e9xito"],"Blocked":["Bloqueado"],"Allowed":["Permitido"],"All":["Todo"],"%s is enforced.":["%s est\u00e1 forzado."],"%s has been disabled.":["%s ha sido desactivado."],"Network settings":["Configuraci\u00f3n de la red"],"This feature is only available networkwide.":["Esta funci\u00f3n s\u00f3lo est\u00e1 disponible en toda la red."],"Revoke":["Revocar"],"Please wait while we detect your setup":["Por favor, espera mientras detectamos tu configuraci\u00f3n"],"If you\u2019re certain an SSL certificate is present, and refresh SSL status does not work, please check \u201cOverride SSL detection\u201d to continue activating SSL.":["Si est\u00e1s seguro de que hay un certificado SSL, y refrescar el estado de SSL no funciona, marca la opci\u00f3n \"Anular la detecci\u00f3n de SSL\" para continuar con la activaci\u00f3n de SSL."],"Refresh SSL status":["Actualizar el estado de la SSL"],"Install SSL":["Instalar SSL"],"Improve Security with PRO":["Mejora la Seguridad con PRO"],"completed":["completado"],"working":["trabajando"],"Finished":["Finalizado"],"Failed":["Fall\u00f3"],"Installing...":["Instalando..."],"Processing activation of subsites networkwide":["Procesamiento de la activaci\u00f3n de los subsitios en toda la red"],"SSL has been activated network wide":["SSL ha sido activado en toda la red"],"Re-checking SSL certificate, please wait...":["Volviendo a comprobar el certificado SSL, por favor espere..."],"Ignore":["Ignorar"],"Help":["Ayuda"],"Edit":["Editar"],"New":["Nuevo"],"The certificate is not generated by Really Simple SSL, so there are no installation files here":["El certificado no es generado por Really Simple SSL, por lo que no hay archivos de instalaci\u00f3n aqu\u00ed"],"Skip DNS verification ":["Omitir la verificaci\u00f3n del DNS "],"DNS verification active. You can switch back to directory verification here.":["Verificaci\u00f3n de DNS activa. Aqu\u00ed puedes volver a la verificaci\u00f3n del directorio."],"Switched to directory":["Cambiado a directorio"],"Switched to DNS":["Cambiado a DNS"],"Check SSL Health":["Comprobar la Salud de SSL"],"Continue SSL Health check":["Continuar con la comprobaci\u00f3n de la Salud de SSL"],"View detailed report on Qualys SSL Labs":["Ver informe detallado sobre Qualys SSL Labs"],"Last check:":["\u00daltima comprobaci\u00f3n:"],"What does my score mean?":["\u00bfQu\u00e9 significa mi puntuaci\u00f3n?"],"Not available on localhost":["No disponible en localhost"],"No test started yet":["Todav\u00eda no se ha iniciado ninguna prueba"],"Cipher strength":["Fuerza del cifrado"],"or use the %sWordPress forum%s.":["o utiliza el %sforo de WordPress%s."],"Check our %sdocumentation%s":["Consulta nuestra %sdocumentaci\u00f3n%s"],"Improve WordPress security.":["Mejora la seguridad de tu WordPress."],"%sRead more%s":["%sLeer m\u00e1s%s"],"Go Pro":["Ir a Pro"],"Downloading...":["Descargando..."],"Activating...":["Activando..."],"Disable":["Desactivar"],"Allow":["Permitir"],"Fix":["Corregido"],"Let's Encrypt":["Let's Encrypt"],"Details":["Detalles"],"Activate":["Activar"],"Upgrade":["Actualizar"],"The SSL detection method is not 100% accurate.":["Este m\u00e9todo de detecci\u00f3n no es 100% preciso."],"Reset Let's Encrypt":["Restablecer Let's Encrypt"],"Save and Continue":["Guardar y continuar"],"Value":["Valor"],"domain":["dominio"],"Override SSL detection":["Anular la detecci\u00f3n de SSL"],"The CA Bundle will sometimes be automatically detected. If not, you can use this file.":["En ocasiones, el paquete de CA ser\u00e1 detectado autom\u00e1ticamente. Si no es as\u00ed, puedes usar este archivo."],"Certificate Authority Bundle (CABUNDLE)":["Paquete de autoridad de certificaci\u00f3n (CABUNDLE)"],"The private key can be uploaded or pasted in the appropriate field on your hosting dashboard.":["La clave privada puede subirse o pegarse en el campo correspondiente del escritorio de tu alojamiento."],"Private Key (KEY)":["Clave privada (KEY)"],"Copy content":["Copiar el contenido"],"Download":["Descargar"],"This is the certificate, which you need to install in your hosting dashboard.":["Este es el certificado que tienes que instalar en el escritorio de tu alojamiento."],"Certificate (CRT)":["Certificado (CRT)"],"Install your certificate.":["Instala tu certificado."],"Skip DNS check":["Omitir la comprobaci\u00f3n de DNS"],"If you're sure it's set correctly, you can click the button to skip the DNS check.":["Si est\u00e1s seguro de que est\u00e1 configurado correctamente, puedes hacer clic en el bot\u00f3n para omitir la comprobaci\u00f3n de DNS."],"You can manually check the DNS records in an %sonline tool%s.":["Puedes comprobar manualmente los registros DNS en una %sherramienta online%s."],"We could not check the DNS records. If you just added the record, please check in a few minutes.":["No hemos podido comprobar los registros DNS. Si acabas de a\u00f1adir el registro, por favor, compru\u00e9balo dentro de unos minutos."],"Add the following token as text record to your DNS records. We recommend to use a short TTL during installation, in case you need to change it.":["A\u00f1ade el siguiente token como registro de texto a tus registros DNS. Recomendamos usar un TTL corto durante la instalaci\u00f3n, en caso de que necesites cambiarlo."],"Inside the folder called \u201cssl\u201d create a new folder called \u201ccerts\u201d, with 644 writing permissions.":["Dentro de la carpeta llamada \u00abssl\u00bb, crea una nueva carpeta llamada \u00abcerts\u00bb con permisos de escritura 644."],"The certificate will get stored in this directory.":["El certificado ser\u00e1 almacenado en este directorio."],"Create a certs directory":["Crear un directorio de certificados"],"Inside the folder called \u201cssl\u201d create a new folder called \u201ckeys\u201d, with 644 writing permissions.":["Dentro de la carpeta llamada \u00abssl\u00bb, crea una nueva carpeta llamada \u00abkeys\u00bb con permisos de escritura 644."],"Create a folder called \u201cssl\u201d":["Crear una carpeta llamada \u00abssl\u00bb"],"Navigate in FTP or File Manager to one level above the root of your WordPress installation:":["Navegue en el FTP o en el Administrador de Archivos hasta un nivel por encima de la ra\u00edz de su instalaci\u00f3n de WordPress:"],"The key directory is needed to store the generated keys.":["El directorio de claves es necesario para almacenar las claves generadas."],"Create a key directory":["Crear un directorio de claves"],"If the challenge directory cannot be created, you can either remove the server limitation, or change to DNS verification.":["Si no se puede crear el directorio de verificaci\u00f3n, puedes eliminar la limitaci\u00f3n del servidor o cambiar a la verificaci\u00f3n de DNS."],"Or you can switch to DNS verification":["O puede cambiar a la verificaci\u00f3n de DNS"],"Click the refresh button.":["Haz clic en el bot\u00f3n para refrescar."],"Inside the folder called \u201c.well-known\u201d create a new folder called \u201cacme-challenge\u201d, with 644 writing permissions.":["Dentro de la carpeta llamada \u00ab.well-known\u00bb, crea una nueva carpeta llamada \u00abacme-challenge\u00bb con permisos de escritura 644."],"Create a folder called \u201c.well-known\u201d":["Crear una carpeta llamada \u00ab.well-known\u00bb"],"Navigate in FTP or File Manager to the root of your WordPress installation:":["Navegue en FTP o en el Gestor de Archivos hasta la ra\u00edz de su instalaci\u00f3n de WordPress:"],"The challenge directory is used to verify the domain ownership.":["El directorio challenge (de verificaciones) se utiliza para verificar la propiedad del dominio."],"Create a challenge directory":["Crear un directorio de verificaci\u00f3n"],"If the challenge directory cannot be created, or is not reachable, you can either remove the server limitation, or change to DNS verification.":["Si no se puede crear el directorio de verificaci\u00f3n o no es accesible, puedes eliminar la limitaci\u00f3n del servidor o cambiar a la verificaci\u00f3n de DNS."],"Next step":["Siguiente paso"],"Notifications":["Notificaciones"],"Switch to DNS verification":["Cambiar a la verificaci\u00f3n del DNS"],"Please note that auto-renewal with a DNS challenge might not be possible.":["Tenga en cuenta que la renovaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica con un DNS challenge (de verificaci\u00f3n) podr\u00eda no ser posible."],"If you also want to secure subdomains like,, you have to use the %sDNS%s challenge.":["Si tambi\u00e9n quieres asegurar subdominios, como \\u00bb, \\u00bb, tienes que usar la verificaci\u00f3n de %sDNS%s."],"Switch to directory verification":["Cambiar a la verificaci\u00f3n de directorios"],"Go to Dashboard":["Ir al panel de control"],"Previous":["Anterior"],"Attempt %s.":["Intento %s."],"Verifying DNS records...":["Verificando los registros DNS..."],"Refresh":["Refrescar"],"Re-check":["Vuelva a revisar"],"Copied!":["\u00a1Copiado!"],"Warning":["Advertencia"],"Installed":["Instalado"],"Install":["Instalar"],"Support":["Soporte"],"301 redirect":["Redirecci\u00f3n 301"],"Activate SSL":["Activar SSL"],"SSL not activated":["SSL no activado"],"Mixed content":["Contenido mixto"],"Read more":["Leer m\u00e1s"],"Remaining tasks":["Tareas pendientes"],"All tasks":["Todas las tareas"],"Dismiss":["descartar"],"More info":["M\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n"],"Instructions":["Instrucciones"],"SSL Activated":["SSL activado"],"Activate SSL networkwide":["Activar SSL en toda la red"],"Documentation":["Documentaci\u00f3n"],"Save":["Guardar"],"Settings":["Ajustes"]}},"comment":{"reference":"settings\/build\/index.js"}}