File "twentytwentytwo-es_AR.po"

Full Path: /home/arielcor/public_html/wp-content/languages/themes/twentytwentytwo-es_AR.po
File size: 33.13 KB
MIME-type: text/x-po
Charset: utf-8

# Translation of Themes - Twenty Twenty-Two in Spanish (Argentina)
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Themes - Twenty Twenty-Two package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-27 17:46:33+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: GlotPress/4.0.0-alpha.3\n"
"Language: es_AR\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Themes - Twenty Twenty-Two\n"

#. Description of the theme
#, gp-priority: high
msgid "Built on a solidly designed foundation, Twenty Twenty-Two embraces the idea that everyone deserves a truly unique website. The theme’s subtle styles are inspired by the diversity and versatility of birds: its typography is lightweight yet strong, its color palette is drawn from nature, and its layout elements sit gently on the page. The true richness of Twenty Twenty-Two lies in its opportunity for customization. The theme is built to take advantage of the Full Site Editing features introduced in WordPress 5.9, which means that colors, typography, and the layout of every single page on your site can be customized to suit your vision. It also includes dozens of block patterns, opening the door to a wide range of professionally designed layouts in just a few clicks. Whether you’re building a single-page website, a blog, a business website, or a portfolio, Twenty Twenty-Two will help you create a site that is uniquely yours."
msgstr "Construído sobre una base de diseño sólida, Twenty Twenty-Two abraza la idea de que todos merecen un sitio web realmente único. Los estilos sutiles del tema están inspirados en la divesidad y versatilidad de las aves: su tipografía es liviana pero fuerte, su paleta de colores está basada en la naturaleza, y sus elementos de diseño encajan suavemente en la página. La verdadera riqueza de Twenty Twenty-Two radica en su posibilidad de personalización. El tema está hecho para tomar ventaja de las características de Edición de Sitio Completo introducidas en WordPress 5.9, lo que significa que cada color, tipografía y el diseño de cada página de tu sitio puede personalizarse para adaptarse con tu visión. Esto incluye docenas de patrones de bloque, abriendo la puerta a un amplio rango de diseños profesionales con solo unos pocos clics. Ya sea que estés creando una web de una sola página, un blog, un sitio de negocios o un portfolio, Twenty Twenty-Two te ayudará a crear un sitio que sea exclusivamente tuyo."

#. Theme Name of the theme
#, gp-priority: high
msgid "Twenty Twenty-Two"
msgstr "Twenty Twenty-Two"

#: styles/swiss.json
msgctxt "Duotone name"
msgid "Default filter"
msgstr "Filtro predeterminado"

#: styles/swiss.json
msgctxt "Font family name"
msgid "Inter"
msgstr "Inter"

#: styles/swiss.json
msgctxt "Style variation name"
msgid "Swiss"
msgstr "Suizo"

#: styles/pink.json
msgctxt "Font family name"
msgid "IBM Plex Mono"
msgstr "IBM Plex Mono"

#: styles/pink.json
msgctxt "Font family name"
msgid "IBM Plex Sans"
msgstr "IBM Plex Sans"

#: styles/pink.json
msgctxt "Style variation name"
msgid "Pink"
msgstr "Rosa"

#: styles/blue.json
msgctxt "Font family name"
msgid "DM Sans"
msgstr "DM Sans"

#: styles/blue.json
msgctxt "Style variation name"
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "Azul"

#: inc/patterns/hidden-404.php:14
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Buscar"

#: inc/patterns/hidden-404.php:14
msgctxt "label"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Buscar"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Template part name"
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "Pie de página"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Template part name"
msgid "Header (Dark, small)"
msgstr "Cabecera (Oscura, pequeña)"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Template part name"
msgid "Header (Dark, large)"
msgstr "Cabecera (Oscura, grande)"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Template part name"
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Cabecera"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Custom template name"
msgid "Page (No Separators)"
msgstr "Página (sin separadores)"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Custom template name"
msgid "Single Post (No Separators)"
msgstr "Entrada simple (sin separadores)"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Custom template name"
msgid "Page (Large Header)"
msgstr "Página (Cabecera grande)"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Custom template name"
msgid "Blank"
msgstr "En blanco"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Duotone name"
msgid "Primary and tertiary"
msgstr "Primario y terciario"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Duotone name"
msgid "Primary and secondary"
msgstr "Primario y secundario"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Duotone name"
msgid "Primary and background"
msgstr "Primario y fondo"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Duotone name"
msgid "Foreground and tertiary"
msgstr "Primer plano y terciario"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Duotone name"
msgid "Foreground and secondary"
msgstr "Primer plano y secundario"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Duotone name"
msgid "Foreground and background"
msgstr "Primer plano y fondo"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Gradient name"
msgid "Diagonal background to tertiary"
msgstr "Diagonal fondo a terciario"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Gradient name"
msgid "Diagonal tertiary to background"
msgstr "Diagonal terciario a fondo"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Gradient name"
msgid "Diagonal background to secondary"
msgstr "Diagonal fondo a secundario"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Gradient name"
msgid "Diagonal secondary to background"
msgstr "Diagonal secundario a fondo"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Gradient name"
msgid "Diagonal primary to foreground"
msgstr "Diagonal primario a primer plano"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Gradient name"
msgid "Vertical tertiary to background"
msgstr "Vertical terciario a fondo"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Gradient name"
msgid "Vertical secondary to background"
msgstr "Vertical secundario a fondo"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Gradient name"
msgid "Vertical secondary to tertiary"
msgstr "Vertical secundario a terciario"

#: theme.json styles/blue.json styles/pink.json styles/swiss.json
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Tertiary"
msgstr "Terciario"

#: theme.json styles/blue.json styles/pink.json styles/swiss.json
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Secondary"
msgstr "Secundario"

#: theme.json styles/blue.json styles/pink.json styles/swiss.json
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Primary"
msgstr "Primario"

#: theme.json styles/blue.json styles/pink.json styles/swiss.json
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Fondo"

#: theme.json styles/blue.json styles/pink.json styles/swiss.json
msgctxt "Color name"
msgid "Foreground"
msgstr "Primer plano"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Font family name"
msgid "Source Serif Pro"
msgstr "Source Serif Pro"

#: theme.json
msgctxt "Font family name"
msgid "System Font"
msgstr "System Font"

#: inc/patterns/query-text-grid.php:6
msgid "Text-based grid of posts"
msgstr "Cuadrícula de entradas basadas en texto"

#: inc/patterns/query-simple-blog.php:6
msgid "Simple blog posts"
msgstr "Entradas sencillas del blog"

#: inc/patterns/query-large-titles.php:6
msgid "Large post titles"
msgstr "Títulos de entradas grandes"

#: inc/patterns/query-irregular-grid.php:6
msgid "Irregular grid of posts"
msgstr "Cuadrícula irregular de entradas "

#: inc/patterns/query-image-grid.php:6
msgid "Grid of image posts"
msgstr "Cuadrícula de imágenes de entradas"

#: inc/patterns/query-grid.php:6
msgid "Grid of posts"
msgstr "Cuadrícula de entradas"

#: inc/patterns/query-default.php:6
msgid "Default posts"
msgstr "Entradas predeterminadas"

#: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-poster.php:56
msgid "The Grand Theater<br>154 Eastern Avenue<br>Maryland NY, 12345"
msgstr "The Grand Theater<br>154 Eastern Avenue<br>Maryland NY, 12345"

#: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-poster.php:52
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Ubicación"

#: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-poster.php:44
msgid "February, 12 2021"
msgstr "12 de febrero de 2021"

#: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-poster.php:40
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Fecha"

#: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-poster.php:14
msgid "<em>Flutter</em>, a collection of bird-related ephemera"
msgstr "<em>Flutter</em>, una colección de objetos temporales relacionados con las aves"

#: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-poster.php:6
msgid "Poster with right sidebar"
msgstr "Póster con barra lateral derecha"

#: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-grid-posts.php:6
msgid "Grid of posts with left sidebar"
msgstr "Cuadrícula de entradas con barra lateral izquierda"

#: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-blog-posts.php:6
msgid "Blog posts with left sidebar"
msgstr "Entradas de blog con barra lateral izquierda"

#: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-blog-posts-right.php:80
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Etiquetas"

#: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-blog-posts-right.php:6
msgid "Blog posts with right sidebar"
msgstr "Entradas de blog con barra lateral derecha"

#: inc/patterns/page-layout-two-columns.php:58
msgid "POSTS"
msgstr "ENTRADAS"

#: inc/patterns/page-layout-two-columns.php:21
msgid "WELCOME"

#: inc/patterns/page-layout-two-columns.php:10
msgid "<em>Goldfinch </em><br><em>&amp; Sparrow</em>"
msgstr "<em>Jilguero</em><br><em>y gorrión </em>"

#: inc/patterns/page-layout-two-columns.php:6
msgid "Page layout with two columns"
msgstr "Diseño de página con dos columnas"

#: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-text-and-video.php:53
msgid "Oh hello. My name’s Angelo, and you’ve found your way to my blog. I write about a range of topics, but lately I’ve been sharing my hopes for next year."
msgstr "Eh, hola. Mi nombre es Ángel y encontraste el camino a mi blog. Escribo sobre una variedad de temas, pero últimamente comparto mis esperanzas para el próximo año."

#: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-text-and-video.php:42
msgid "An illustration of a bird in flight"
msgstr "Una ilustración de un ave volando"

#: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-text-and-video.php:21
msgid "Screening"
msgstr "Proyectar"

#: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-text-and-video.php:6
msgid "Page layout with image, text and video"
msgstr "Diseño de página con imagen, texto y video"

#: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-and-text.php:27
#: inc/patterns/page-layout-two-columns.php:36
msgid "Oh hello. My name’s Angelo, and I operate this blog. I was born in Portland, but I currently live in upstate New York. You may recognize me from publications with names like <a href=\"#\">Eagle Beagle</a> and <a href=\"#\">Mourning Dive</a>. I write for a living.<br><br>I usually use this blog to catalog extensive lists of birds and other things that I find interesting. If you find an error with one of my lists, please keep it to yourself.<br><br>If that’s not your cup of tea, <a href=\"#\">I definitely recommend this tea</a>. It’s my favorite."
msgstr "Hola. Me llamo Angelo y manejo este blog. Nací en Portland pero actualmente vivo en Nueva York, Quizás me reconocés de publlicaciones como <a href=\"#\">Eagle Beagle</a> y <a href=\"#\">Mourning Dive</a>. Escribo para vivir.<br><br>Generalmente uso este blog para catalogar largas listas de aves y otras cosas que me interesan. Si encontrás un error en una de mis listas, por favor no me lo digas.<br><br>Si eso no es lo tuyo, <a href=\"#\">definitivamente te recomiendo esto</a>. Es mi favorito."

#: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-and-text.php:15
msgctxt "Short for to be determined"
msgid "TBD"
msgstr "Por determinar"

#: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-and-text.php:10
msgid "<em>Watching Birds </em><br><em>in the Garden</em>"
msgstr "<em>Mirando aves </em><br><em>en el jardín</em>"

#: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-and-text.php:6
msgid "Page layout with image and text"
msgstr "Diseño de página con imagen y texto"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-solid-color.php:22
msgid "Oh hello. My name’s Edvard, and you’ve found your way to my website. I’m an avid bird watcher, and I also broadcast my own radio show every Tuesday evening at 11PM EDT. Listen in sometime!"
msgstr "Hola. Mi nombre es Eduardo y encontraste el camino hasta mi sitio. Soy un ávido observador de aves y también transmito mi propio programa de radio todos los martes a las 11PM EDT. ¡Escuchalo!"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-solid-color.php:14
msgid "Edvard<br>Smith"
msgstr "Eduardo<br>Herrero"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-solid-color.php:6
msgid "About page on solid color background"
msgstr "Página de \"Acerca de\" con fondo de color sólido"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-simple-dark.php:22
msgid "Oh hello. My name’s Jesús, and you’ve found your way to my website. I’m an avid bird watcher, and I also broadcast my own radio show on Tuesday evenings at 11PM EDT."
msgstr "Hola. Mi nombre es Jesús y encontraste el camino hasta mi sitio. Soy un ávido observador de aves y también transmito mi propio programa de radio todos los martes a las 11PM EDT."

#: inc/patterns/page-about-simple-dark.php:18
msgid "Jesús<br>Rodriguez"
msgstr "Jesús<br>Rodriguez"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-simple-dark.php:6
msgid "Simple dark about page"
msgstr "Página simple y oscura de \"Acerca de\""

#: inc/patterns/page-about-media-right.php:20
msgid "Oh hello. My name’s Emery, and you’ve found your way to my website. I’m an avid bird watcher, and I also broadcast my own radio show on Tuesday evenings at 11PM EDT."
msgstr "Hola. Mi nombre es Emery y encontraste el camino hasta mi sitio. Soy un ávido observador de aves y también transmito mi propio programa de radio todos los martes a las 11PM EDT."

#: inc/patterns/page-about-media-right.php:16
msgid "Emery<br>Driscoll"
msgstr "María<br>Fernández"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-media-right.php:9
msgid "An image of a bird flying"
msgstr "Imagen de un ave volando"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-media-right.php:6
msgid "About page with media on the right"
msgstr "Página de \"Acerca de\" con multimedia a la derecha"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-media-left.php:21
msgid "Oh hello. My name’s Doug, and you’ve found your way to my website. I’m an avid bird watcher, and I also broadcast my own radio show on Tuesday evenings at 11PM EDT."
msgstr "Hola. Mi nombre es Doug y encontraste el camino hasta mi sitio. Soy un ávido observador de aves y también transmito mi propio programa de radio todos los martes a las 11PM EDT."

#: inc/patterns/page-about-media-left.php:17
msgid "Stilton"
msgstr "Rodríguez"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-media-left.php:17
msgid "Doug"
msgstr "Darío"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-media-left.php:9
#: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-poster.php:26
msgid "Image of a bird on a branch"
msgstr "Imagen de un ave en una rama"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-media-left.php:6
msgid "About page with media on the left"
msgstr "Página de \"Acerca de\" con multimedia a la izquierda"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-links.php:21
msgid "A podcast about birds"
msgstr "Un podcast sobre aves"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-links.php:17
msgid "Swoop"
msgstr "Picado"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-links.php:6
msgid "About page links"
msgstr "Enlaces de página de \"Acerca de\""

#: inc/patterns/page-about-links-dark.php:42
#: inc/patterns/page-about-links.php:46
msgid "About the hosts"
msgstr "Sobre los conductores"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-links-dark.php:38
#: inc/patterns/page-about-links.php:42
msgid "Support the show"
msgstr "Apoyá el show"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-links-dark.php:34
#: inc/patterns/page-about-links.php:38
msgid "Listen on Spotify"
msgstr "Escuchá en Spotify"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-links-dark.php:30
#: inc/patterns/page-about-links.php:34
msgid "Listen on iTunes Podcasts"
msgstr "Escuchá en iTunes Podcasts"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-links-dark.php:26
#: inc/patterns/page-about-links.php:30
msgid "Watch our videos"
msgstr "Mirá nuestros videos"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-links-dark.php:17
msgid "A trouble of hummingbirds"
msgstr "Un problema de colibríes"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-links-dark.php:13
#: inc/patterns/page-about-links.php:10
msgid "Logo featuring a flying bird"
msgstr "Logo presentando un ave volando"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-links-dark.php:6
msgid "About page links (dark)"
msgstr "Enlaces de página de \"Acerca de\" (oscuro)"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-large-image-and-buttons.php:6
msgid "About page with large image and buttons"
msgstr "Página de \"Acerca de\" con imagen grande y botones"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-large-image-and-buttons.php:59
msgid "Join my mailing list"
msgstr "Unite a mi lista de correo"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-large-image-and-buttons.php:51
msgid "Learn about my process"
msgstr "Conocé mi proceso"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-large-image-and-buttons.php:43
msgid "Read about me"
msgstr "Leé sobre mi"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-large-image-and-buttons.php:33
msgid "Take a class"
msgstr "Tomá una clase"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-large-image-and-buttons.php:25
msgid "Support my studio"
msgstr "Apoyá mi estudio"

#: inc/patterns/page-about-large-image-and-buttons.php:17
msgid "Purchase my work"
msgstr "Comprá mi trabajo"

#: inc/patterns/hidden-bird.php:9 inc/patterns/hidden-heading-and-bird.php:10
msgid "Heading and bird image"
msgstr "Encabezado e imagen de ave"

#: inc/patterns/hidden-404.php:12
msgid "This page could not be found. Maybe try a search?"
msgstr "No se encontró esta página. ¿Te gustaría probar con una búsqueda?"

#: inc/patterns/hidden-404.php:9
msgctxt "Error code for a webpage that is not found."
msgid "404"
msgstr "404"

#: inc/patterns/hidden-404.php:6
msgid "404 content"
msgstr "Contenido de 404"

#: inc/patterns/header-with-tagline.php:6
msgid "Header with tagline"
msgstr "Cabecera con descripción corta"

#: inc/patterns/header-title-navigation-social.php:6
msgid "Title, navigation, and social links header"
msgstr "Cabecera con título, navegación y enlaces sociales"

#: inc/patterns/header-title-and-button.php:6
msgid "Title and button header"
msgstr "Cabecera con título y botón"

#: inc/patterns/header-text-only-with-tagline-black-background.php:6
msgid "Text-only header with tagline and black background"
msgstr "Encabezado con solo texto, descripción y fondo negro"

#: inc/patterns/header-text-only-salmon-background.php:6
msgid "Text-only header with salmon background"
msgstr "Encabezado con solo texto y fondo salmón"

#: inc/patterns/header-text-only-green-background.php:6
msgid "Text-only header with green background"
msgstr "Encabezado con solo texto y fondo verde"

#: inc/patterns/header-stacked.php:6
msgid "Logo and navigation header"
msgstr "Encabezado con logo y navegación"

#: inc/patterns/header-small-dark.php:6
msgid "Small header with dark background"
msgstr "Encabezado pequeño con fondo oscuro"

#: inc/patterns/header-logo-navigation-social-black-background.php:6
msgid "Logo, navigation, and social links header with black background"
msgstr "Encabezado con logo, navegación, enlaces a redes sociales y fondo negro"

#: inc/patterns/header-logo-navigation-offset-tagline.php:6
msgid "Logo, navigation, and offset tagline Header"
msgstr "Encabezado con logo, navegación y descripción corta desplazada"

#: inc/patterns/header-logo-navigation-gray-background.php:6
msgid "Logo and navigation header with gray background"
msgstr "Encabezado con logo, navegación y fondo gris"

#: inc/patterns/header-large-dark.php:24
#: inc/patterns/hidden-heading-and-bird.php:14
msgid "<em>The Hatchery</em>: a blog about my adventures in bird watching"
msgstr "<em>La incubadora</em>: Un blog sobre mis aventuras en la observación de aves"

#: inc/patterns/header-large-dark.php:6
msgid "Large header with dark background"
msgstr "Encabezado grande con fondo oscuro"

#: inc/patterns/header-image-background.php:11
msgid "Illustration of a flying bird"
msgstr "Ilustración de un ave volando"

#: inc/patterns/header-image-background.php:6
msgid "Header with image background"
msgstr "Encabezado con imagen de fondo"

#: inc/patterns/header-image-background-overlay.php:6
msgid "Header with image background and overlay"
msgstr "Encabezado con imagen de fondo y superposición"

#: inc/patterns/header-default.php:6
msgid "Default header"
msgstr "Encabezado predeterminadaço"

#: inc/patterns/header-centered-title-navigation-social.php:6
msgid "Centered header with navigation, social links, and salmon background"
msgstr "Encabezado centrado con navegación, enlaces a redes sociales y fondo salmón"

#: inc/patterns/header-centered-logo.php:6
msgid "Header with centered logo"
msgstr "Encabezado con logo centrado"

#: inc/patterns/header-centered-logo-black-background.php:6
msgid "Header with centered logo and black background"
msgstr "Encabezado con logo centrado y fondo negro"

#: inc/patterns/general-wide-image-intro-buttons.php:31
msgid "Learn More"
msgstr "Más información"

#: inc/patterns/general-wide-image-intro-buttons.php:16
msgid "Welcome to<br>the Aviary"
msgstr "Bienvenido al<br>Aviario"

#: inc/patterns/general-wide-image-intro-buttons.php:6
msgid "Wide image with introduction and buttons"
msgstr "Imagen ancha con introducción y botones"

#: inc/patterns/general-video-trailer.php:16
#: inc/patterns/general-wide-image-intro-buttons.php:22
msgid "A film about hobbyist bird watchers, a catalog of different birds, paired with the noises they make. Each bird is listed by their scientific name so things seem more official."
msgstr "Una película sobre aficionados a la observación de aves, un catálogo de distintos pájaros, emparejados con los sonidos que hacen. Cada pájaro está listado por su nombre científico, para que la cosa parezca más oficial."

#: inc/patterns/general-video-trailer.php:12
#: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-text-and-video.php:49
msgid "Extended Trailer"
msgstr "Tráiler ampliado"

#: inc/patterns/general-video-trailer.php:6
msgid "Video trailer"
msgstr "Video del tráiler"

#: inc/patterns/general-video-header-details.php:41
msgid "Angelo Tso<br>Edward Stilton<br>Amy Jensen<br>Boston Bell<br>Shay Ford"
msgstr "Angelo Tso<br>Edward Stilton<br>Amy Jensen<br>Boston Bell<br>Shay Ford"

#: inc/patterns/general-video-header-details.php:35
msgid "Jesús Rodriguez<br>Doug Stilton<br>Emery Driscoll<br>Megan Perry<br>Rowan Price"
msgstr "Jesús Rodriguez<br>Doug Stilton<br>Emery Driscoll<br>Megan Perry<br>Rowan Price"

#: inc/patterns/general-video-header-details.php:29
msgid "Featuring"
msgstr "Con"

#: inc/patterns/general-video-header-details.php:11
#: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-text-and-video.php:11
msgid "<em>Warble</em>, a film about <br>hobbyist bird watchers."
msgstr "<em>Trino</em>, una película sobre los aficionados a la observación de aves."

#: inc/patterns/general-video-header-details.php:6
msgid "Video with header and details"
msgstr "Video con encabezado y detalles"

#: inc/patterns/general-two-images-text.php:42
#: inc/patterns/general-wide-image-intro-buttons.php:35
#: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-text-and-video.php:30
msgid "Buy Tickets"
msgstr "Comprar entradas"

#: inc/patterns/general-two-images-text.php:29
#: inc/patterns/page-layout-image-text-and-video.php:25
msgid "May 14th, 2022 @ 7:00PM<br>The Vintagé Theater,<br>245 Arden Rd.<br>Gardenville, NH"
msgstr "14 de mayo de 2022, 19:00 hs<br>The Vintagé Theater,<br>245 Arden Rd.<br>Gardenville, NH"

#: inc/patterns/general-two-images-text.php:25

#: inc/patterns/general-two-images-text.php:17
#: inc/patterns/general-wide-image-intro-buttons.php:10
#: inc/patterns/header-large-dark.php:29 inc/patterns/header-small-dark.php:25
#: inc/patterns/hidden-bird.php:12 inc/patterns/hidden-heading-and-bird.php:19
msgid "Illustration of a bird flying."
msgstr "Ilustración de un ave volando."

#: inc/patterns/general-two-images-text.php:11
msgid "Illustration of a bird sitting on a branch."
msgstr "Ilustración de un ave posada en una rama."

#: inc/patterns/general-two-images-text.php:6
msgid "Two images with text"
msgstr "Dos imágenes con texto"

#: inc/patterns/general-subscribe.php:16
msgid "Join our mailing list"
msgstr "Unite a nuestra lista de correo"

#: inc/patterns/general-subscribe.php:11
msgid "Watch birds<br>from your inbox"
msgstr "Observá aves<br>desde tu bandeja de entrada"

#: inc/patterns/general-subscribe.php:6
msgid "Subscribe callout"
msgstr "Llamada a suscribirse"

#: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:84
msgid "$150"
msgstr "$150"

#: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:79
msgid "Play a leading role for our community by joining at the Falcon level. This level earns you a seat on our board, where you can help plan future birdwatching expeditions."
msgstr "Jugá un papel de liderazgo para nuestra comunidad uniéndote al nivel Halcón. Este nivel te otorga un asiento en nuestra junta, donde podés ayudar a planificar futuras expediciones de observación de aves."

#: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:75
msgid "Falcon"
msgstr "Halcón"

#: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:71
msgctxt "Third item in a numbered list."
msgid "3"
msgstr "3"

#: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:56
msgid "$75"
msgstr "$75"

#: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:51
msgid "Join at the Sparrow level and become a member of our flock! You’ll receive our newsletter, plus a bird pin that you can wear with pride when you’re out in nature."
msgstr "¡Unite al nivel Gorrión y conviértete en miembro de nuestra bandada! Recibirás nuestro boletín, además de una insignia de un pájaro que podés llevar con orgullo cuando estés en la naturaleza."

#: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:47
msgid "Sparrow"
msgstr "Gorrión"

#: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:43
msgctxt "Second item in a numbered list."
msgid "2"
msgstr "2"

#: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:28
msgid "$25"
msgstr "$25"

#: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:23
msgid "Help support our growing community by joining at the Pigeon level. Your support will help pay our writers, and you’ll get access to our exclusive newsletter."
msgstr "Apoya a nuestra creciente comunidad uniéndote al nivel Paloma. Tu apoyo ayudará a pagar a nuestros escritores y tendrás acceso a nuestro boletín exclusivo."

#: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:19
msgid "Pigeon"
msgstr "Paloma"

#: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:15
msgctxt "First item in a numbered list."
msgid "1"
msgstr "1"

#: inc/patterns/general-pricing-table.php:6
msgid "Pricing table"
msgstr "Tabla de precios"

#: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:103
msgid "Emery Driscoll"
msgstr "Emery Driscoll"

#: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:97
msgid "May 20th, 2022, 6 PM"
msgstr "20 de mayo de 2022, 18:00 hs."

#: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:79
msgid "Amy Jensen"
msgstr "Amy Jensen"

#: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:73
msgid "May 18th, 2022, 7 PM"
msgstr "18 de mayo de 2022, 19:00 hs."

#: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:61
#: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:109
msgid "The Swell Theater<br>120 River Rd.<br>Rainfall, NH"
msgstr "The Swell Theater<br>120 River Rd.<br>Rainfall, NH"

#: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:55
msgid "Doug Stilton"
msgstr "Doug Stilton"

#: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:49
msgid "May 16th, 2022, 6 PM"
msgstr "16 de mayo de 2022, 18:00 hs."

#: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:37
#: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:85
msgid "The Vintagé Theater<br>245 Arden Rd.<br>Gardenville, NH"
msgstr "The Vintagé Theater<br>245 Arden Rd.<br>Gardenville, NH"

#: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:31
msgid "Jesús Rodriguez"
msgstr "Jesús Rodriguez"

#: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:25
msgid "May 14th, 2022, 6 PM"
msgstr "14 de mayo de 2022, 18:00 hs."

#: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:11
msgid "Speaker Series"
msgstr "Ciclo de oradores"

#: inc/patterns/general-list-events.php:6
msgid "List of events"
msgstr "Lista de eventos"

#: inc/patterns/general-layered-images-with-duotone.php:10
#: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-blog-posts-right.php:58
msgid "Illustration of a flying bird."
msgstr "Ilustración de un pájaro volando."

#: inc/patterns/general-layered-images-with-duotone.php:9
#: inc/patterns/header-image-background-overlay.php:11
msgid "Painting of ducks in the water."
msgstr "Pintura de patos en el agua."

#: inc/patterns/general-layered-images-with-duotone.php:6
msgid "Layered images with duotone"
msgstr "Imágenes en capas con duotono"

#: inc/patterns/general-large-list-names.php:30
msgid "Read more"
msgstr "Leer más"

#: inc/patterns/general-large-list-names.php:21
msgid "Jesús Rodriguez, Doug Stilton, Emery Driscoll, Megan Perry, Rowan Price, Angelo Tso, Edward Stilton, Amy Jensen, Boston Bell, Shay Ford, Lee Cunningham, Evelynn Ray, Landen Reese, Ewan Hart, Jenna Chan, Phoenix Murray, Mel Saunders, Aldo Davidson, Zain Hall."
msgstr "Jesús Rodriguez, Doug Stilton, Emery Driscoll, Megan Perry, Rowan Price, Angelo Tso, Edward Stilton, Amy Jensen, Boston Bell, Shay Ford, Lee Cunningham, Evelynn Ray, Landen Reese, Ewan Hart, Jenna Chan, Phoenix Murray, Mel Saunders, Aldo Davidson, Zain Hall."

#: inc/patterns/general-large-list-names.php:11
#: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-poster.php:32
msgid "An icon representing binoculars."
msgstr "Un icono representando unos binoculares."

#: inc/patterns/general-large-list-names.php:6
msgid "Large list of names"
msgstr "Gran lista de nombres"

#: inc/patterns/general-image-with-caption.php:15
msgid "A beautiful bird featuring a surprising set of color feathers."
msgstr "Un hermoso pájaro con un sorprendente conjunto de plumas de colores."

#: inc/patterns/general-image-with-caption.php:11
msgid "Hummingbird"
msgstr "Colibrí"

#: inc/patterns/general-image-with-caption.php:10
msgid "Hummingbird illustration"
msgstr "Ilustración de un colibrí"

#: inc/patterns/general-image-with-caption.php:6
msgid "Image with caption"
msgstr "Imagen con leyenda"

#: inc/patterns/general-featured-posts.php:6
msgid "Featured posts"
msgstr "Entradas destacadas"

#: inc/patterns/general-divider-light.php:6
msgid "Divider with image and color (light)"
msgstr "Separador con imagen y color (claro)"

#: inc/patterns/general-divider-dark.php:6
msgid "Divider with image and color (dark)"
msgstr "Separador con imagen y color (oscuro)"

#: inc/patterns/footer-title-tagline-social.php:6
msgid "Footer with title, tagline, and social links on a dark background"
msgstr "Pie de página con título, descripción corta y enlaces sociales en un fondo oscuro"

#: inc/patterns/footer-social-copyright.php:6
msgid "Footer with social links and copyright"
msgstr "Pie de página con enlaces sociales y copyright"

#: inc/patterns/footer-query-title-citation.php:6
msgid "Footer with query, title, and citation"
msgstr "Pie de página con consulta, título y cita"

#: inc/patterns/footer-query-images-title-citation.php:6
msgid "Footer with query, featured images, title, and citation"
msgstr "Pie de página con consulta, imágenes destacadas, título y cita"

#: inc/patterns/footer-navigation.php:6
msgid "Footer with navigation and citation"
msgstr "Pie de página con navegación y cita"

#: inc/patterns/footer-navigation-copyright.php:20
#: inc/patterns/footer-social-copyright.php:24
msgid "© Site Title"
msgstr "© Titulo del sitio"

#: inc/patterns/footer-navigation-copyright.php:6
msgid "Footer with navigation and copyright"
msgstr "Pie de página con navegación y copyright"

#: inc/patterns/footer-logo.php:6
msgid "Footer with logo and citation"
msgstr "Pie de página con logotipo y cita"

#: inc/patterns/footer-default.php:6
msgid "Default footer"
msgstr "Pie de página predeterminado"

#: inc/patterns/footer-dark.php:6
msgid "Dark footer with title and citation"
msgstr "Pie de página oscuro con título y cita"

#: inc/patterns/footer-blog.php:50 inc/patterns/footer-dark.php:18
#: inc/patterns/footer-default.php:18 inc/patterns/footer-logo.php:18
#: inc/patterns/footer-navigation.php:20
#: inc/patterns/footer-query-images-title-citation.php:35
#: inc/patterns/footer-query-title-citation.php:33
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Translators: WordPress link.
#: inc/patterns/footer-blog.php:49 inc/patterns/footer-dark.php:17
#: inc/patterns/footer-default.php:17 inc/patterns/footer-logo.php:17
#: inc/patterns/footer-navigation.php:19
#: inc/patterns/footer-query-images-title-citation.php:34
#: inc/patterns/footer-query-title-citation.php:32
msgid "Proudly powered by %s"
msgstr "Funciona gracias a %s"

#: inc/patterns/footer-blog.php:31
#: inc/patterns/page-sidebar-blog-posts-right.php:74
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categorías"

#: inc/patterns/footer-blog.php:23 inc/patterns/general-featured-posts.php:10
msgid "Latest posts"
msgstr "Últimas entradas"

#: inc/patterns/footer-blog.php:6
msgid "Blog footer"
msgstr "Pie de página del blog"

#: inc/patterns/footer-about-title-logo.php:17 inc/patterns/footer-blog.php:17
msgid "We are a rogue collective of bird watchers. We’ve been known to sneak through fences, climb perimeter walls, and generally trespass in order to observe the rarest of birds."
msgstr "Somos un colectivo clandestino de observadores de aves. Se nos conoce por colarnos a través de las vallas, escalar los muros del perímetro y, en general, entrar sin autorización para observar las aves más raras."

#: inc/patterns/footer-about-title-logo.php:13 inc/patterns/footer-blog.php:13
msgid "About us"
msgstr "Sobre nosotros"

#: inc/patterns/footer-about-title-logo.php:6
msgid "Footer with text, title, and logo"
msgstr "Pie de página con texto, título y logotipo"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:21
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Páginas"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:20
msgid "Query"
msgstr "Consulta"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:19
msgid "Headers"
msgstr "Encabezados"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:18
msgid "Footers"
msgstr "Pies de página"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:17
msgid "Featured"
msgstr "Destacado"

#. Theme URI of the theme
#, gp-priority: low
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Author URI of the theme
#, gp-priority: low
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Author of the theme
#, gp-priority: low
msgid "the WordPress team"
msgstr "el equipo de WordPress"